What is egg freezing for woman?
Egg freezing is a method used to preserve a woman’s reproductive potential by going through a similar but shorter duration of an IVF treatment.The mature eggs that are harvested are then frozen and stored for future use.
Women that can benefit from this treatment are:-
- cancer patients before undergoing chemotherapy
- single women who want to preserve fertility
- unforeseen circumstances during IVF treatment

Risks & Complications?
- The best time for a woman to freeze her eggs is before reaching the age of 35 years. Thereafter, fertility starts to decline rapidly.
- Eggs normally don’t survive the thawing as good as embryos, but with the use of vitrification as the method of freezing, it can yield high survival rates.
- The risks and complications of egg freezing are similar to undergoing IVF treatment, in terms of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). However, at KL Fertility Centre, our OHSS incidence is very rare because of our stimulation protocol.

A Patient’s Journey

What’s included in The Cost of Egg Freezing?

If you are interested in knowing more or have decided to get in touch with us, please drop us an email at mgmt@klfertility.com or call us at
to make an appointment.

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