FAQs Relating to COVID-19 & Your Pregnancy

Could COVID-19 have any negative effect on my chance of pregnancy?

There is no evidence at this stage of the impact of COVID-19 on fertility treatment and little is known about the effect of COVID-19 in pregnancy. However, the Royal Australian New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists statement on this topic is the best authoritative resource. An outline of their statement is contained below:

Pregnant women should be considered a vulnerable or at-risk group.
At this time, pregnant women do not appear to be more severely unwell if they develop COVID-19 infection than the general population. It is expected that the large majority of pregnant women will experience only mild or moderate cold/flu like symptoms. However, detailed information regarding the impact of COVID-19 infection on pregnant women and their babies is limited by the recency of the disease emergence. Therefore, our pregnancy advice is based on learnings from influenza infection, and also the medical response to the SARS epidemic in 2003. Influenza is a potentially serious disease for pregnant women, the fetus and newborn babies. A number of changes occur to a woman’s body during pregnancy. These changes include reduced lung function, increased cardiac output, increased oxygen consumption, and changes to the immune system. Due to these changes, pregnant women have an increased risk of severe complications from influenza.
For women who are trying to conceive, or who are in early pregnancy, there is no evidence to suggest an increased risk of miscarriage with COVID-19.
There is no evidence that the virus can pass to your developing baby while you are pregnant (this is called vertical transmission) or that the virus will cause abnormalities in your baby.
The safest place to birth your baby is in a hospital, where you have access to highly trained staff and emergency facilities, if they are required. It is important to emphasise that a woman’s experience of labour and vaginal birth, or caesarean section, should not be significantly impacted and women should be encouraged, and supported, to approach this extraordinary time of their lives without fear or apprehension. Medical intervention, other than that specifically related to infection control, should not differ significantly from usual practice. Active mobilisation, use of water immersion in labour, nitrous oxide and epidural analgesia are not affected.
There is no evidence that caesarean section or induction of labour is necessary to reduce the risk of vertical transmission. If a woman has COVID-19 infection, or has had significant exposure, unless there are immediate risks to her health, or other obstetric indications, elective caesarean section or induction of labour should be delayed, if possible.
Some babies born to women with symptoms of COVID-19 in China have been born prematurely. It is unclear whether coronavirus was the causative factor, or the doctors made the decision for the baby to be born early because the woman was unwell. Newborn babies and infants do not appear to be at increased risk of complications from the infection.
Routine antenatal investigations, ultrasounds, maternal and fetal assessments should continue as before, allowing for the modifications suggested below. While it will not influence response to COVID-19 infection, routine whooping cough and influenza vaccination should continue to be administered in pregnancy.


Preventive and Precautionary measures are in place to protect our patients and team.
  • Further to discussions with your Fertility Specialist, it has been mutually agreed that proceeding with your IVF treatment is a viable option for now.
  • COVID-19 testing must be done prior to the OPU procedure for both wife and husband, a week (7 days) before the scheduled procedure. The test is to be done at an external facility at the patients’ own expense. Please note that KLF is not equipped to test patients for COVID-19.
  • Your IVF treatment cycle will be abandoned if a patient and/or spouse tests positive for COVID-19, or is subsequently deemed as high risk by the Fertility Specialist.
  • During IUI, FET and IVF cycle, if the patient presents any respiratory symptoms and /or a fever (temperature 37.5oC or higher) please let KLF know, and we will plan to delay your IVF treatment accordingly.
  • If these symptoms are only mild “cold” like symptoms (runny nose and sore throat) and you have no fever (temperature 37.5oC or higher) we may still proceed with treatment. However, this decision will be made upon further assessment by your Fertility Specialist.
  • We wish you a positive treatment outcome. Take good care of your health and plan accordingly to have the proper medical and emotional support during this pandemic period.

Should you need to address any concerns or issues that you encounter during your visits with KLF, you may ask to speak personally to or call the Centre Manager, or send an email to mgmt@klfertility.com .

Date : 08 May 2020
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Covid-19 can be transmitted by three (3) ways (as per World Health Organisation information) :

  • Droplet transmission : occurs when a person is in close contact (within 1 meter) with someone who has respiratory symptoms (e.g.: sneezing and coughing) and is therefore at risk of having his/her mucosae (mouth and nose) or conjunctiva (eyes) exposed to potentially infective respiratory droplets.
  • Direct transmission : Person to person transmission by direct contact with an infected person. (E.g.: hugging, shaking hands). The virus can enter the body through nose, mouth or eyes
  • Indirect transmission : When an infected person coughs, sneezes or exhales, droplets of infected fluid may get released and contaminate nearby surfaces and objects. An uninfected person may come in contract the virus by touching these surfaces and then touching their eyes, nose or mouth.

KL Fertility & Gynaecology Centre (“KLF”) has put in place measures to reduce / avoid the infection spread, with implementation of the following :

  • Temperature Screening and Health Declaration of all persons entering our premises.
  • Cleaning and Sanitization of our premises on a regular basis.
  • Required Covid-19 testing for patients undergoing Oocyte Pick Up Procedure (“OPU”).
  • Availability of hand sanitisers on premises for patient use.
  • Preventive & protective measures by all our staff, ie usage of PPE as required.

In order to safeguard our team and other patients, KLF’s expectations of patients during this pandemic period is to abide to all preventive and protective measures that have been put in place.

  • Actively practice social distancing
  • Clean and sanitise your hands often.
  • Please wear a face mask or face shield.
  • Do not bring along accompanying person (not counting your Spouse) unless absolutely necessary.
  • Be truthful and forthcoming when filling in the Health Declaration and/ or when sharing information with your Fertility Specialist / Nurse Counsellor.

Should you need to address any concerns or issues that you encounter during your visits with KLF, you may ask to speak personally to or call the Centre Manager, or send an email to mgmt@klfertility.com .

Date : 08 May 2020
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