Fertility Forum October 12, 2024 - Dr. Natasha & Ms. Dayang Rosli

Fertility Forum – Dr. Natasha Ain binti Mohd Nor & Ms. Dayang Rosli
Your Guide to Getting Pregnant


Are you embarking on your journey to conceiving soon? We’re having a fertility forum with Dr. Natasha Nor and Senior Embryologist, Ms. Dayang Rosli.​

Join our fertility forum on October 12, 2024, from 2pm to 4pm at KL Fertility Centre, Damansara City Mall. Have your questions answered by Dr. Natasha Ain bt Mohd Nor, a fertility specialist and consultant in obstetrics & gynecology, about preparing for your fertility journey. ​

Ms. Dayang Rosli, an embryologist, will also share insights into the IVF laboratory and her role in couples’ fertility journeys.​

There will be freebies worth up to RM350 for grabs.​​

Admission is FREE but registration is required. ​​
Seats are limited! Register now and secure your spot quickly.​

Here are the details:​
Your Guide To Getting Pregnant Fertility Forum​

Dr. Natasha Ain bt Mohd Nor (Fertility, Obstetrics & Gynaecology Specialist)​
Topic: How to Prepare Yourself in Conceiving​

Ms. Dayang Rosli (Senior Embryologist) ​
Topic: What Happen in First 7 days on Fertilization​

📅: 12/10/2024 (Saturday)​
🕛: 2.00pm to 4.00pm (Registration starts at 1.30pm)
🗣️: English
📍: KL FERTILITY CENTRE, LG Level 30 DC Mall, Bukit Damansara 50490 Kuala Lumpur​

​#KLFertilityCentre #towardsparenthood #fertilityjourney #pregnancy #baby #ttc #tryingtoconceive #gettingpregnant #ivf2024 #tips #getpregnantfast​

Event Details

How to Prepare Yourself in Conceiving

What Happen in First 7 days on Fertilization

Ms. Dayang Rosli

Date: 12/10/2024 (Saturday)​
Time : 2.00pm to 4.00pm (Registration starts at 1.30pm)