Online Webinar with
Dr. Natasha Nor & Ms. Lee Hui Tong:
Fertility Focus 101
Need help navigating the complexities of fertility?
Join our webinar on Fertility Focus 101, featuring our specialists-on-call, Dr. Natasha Nor and Ms. Lee Hui Tong.
Going in-depth on topics related to conceiving, essential supplements, fertility treatment processes and success rates, hear from Dr. Natasha Nor on navigating your way towards parenthood. Meanwhile, Ms. Lee Hui Tong shares her take on food and nutrition that serves a purpose.
Tune in to our live webinar to learn more!
?: 2:00PM
?: 27 August 2022 (Saturday)
?: English
?: Zoom
#KLFertilityCentre #towardsparenthood #fertilityjourney #challenges #conceive #pregnancy #baby #tryingtoconceive #webinar #gettingpregnant #guide #ivf2022 #tips #getpregnantfast
Event Details
Navigating Your Way Towards Parenthood
Food & Nutrition With A Purpose
Date: 27/08/2022
Time : 2:00pm