The Fertility Show : Fertility Treatment In The 21st Century, 27 March 2021 - Dr. Natasha Nor

The Fertility Show :
Fertility Treatment In The 21-st Century

Now, more than ever the median age of first marriage has shifted to an age that ranges between 27 to 29 years and this also reflects on the age of first-time mothers who give birth in their 30s rather in their 20s. This shift has driven a bigger demand towards fertility treatment.

Discover how technology in the 21st century has grown over the years at our latest segment on THE FERTILITY SHOW with Dr. Natasha Nor as she shares insights on the newest trends in fertility treatment options and how these can help shorten the time needed #towardsparenthood.

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Event Details

The Fertility Show
Fertility Treatment
In The 21-st Century

Date: 27 March 2021
Time : 2pm to 5pm
